I got a bit bored this evening and so decided to make a mobius strip, as you do. This is obviously just a simple one made from a strip of paper. It contains one half twist which means that this particular mobius strip only has one side. It may look like it has two but if you were to set an adventurous ant off along its length it would return to its starting point without ever having crossed an edge. For more of a challenge I intend to make two interlocking double twist mobius strips out of a bagel using only one continuous cut some time this week. This may need several bagels....
YouTube is awash with cool mobius strip videos but my favourite one is this one by the always brilliant Royal Institution using super conductors to create a levitating mobius strip race car. Yes, really. In fact, if you want to watch scores of fascinating videos that amaze, entertain and, yes, educate, then you could do a lot worse than subscribe to the RI's YouTube channel.