Thursday, 17 September 2015

New Beginnings...

It may look like I have abandoned ship but nothing could be further from the truth, I have merely swapped vessels. For a long time I have been toying with the idea of trying out a new blogging platform but I resisted as I didn't fancy having to start again from scratch. Having looked at a few options though I have taken the plunge.

There are two main reasons. Firstly, this blog was never really meant to be about science and scepticism yet that is what it has become, mostly because I really don't get the chance to travel or take pictures like I used to; so for a while now I thought that I would like to separate out the two. Secondly, the Google Blogger platform really hasn't changed in 5 years; it has become increasingly outmoded and is in dire need of an update. If I'm going to start a new blog it isn't going to be on Blogger. My new blog, Skeptilogicon (forgive me the American spelling but most of my readers are from the US), was born this past Wednesday and can be found on WordPress which is, frankly, a far more comprehensive blogging platform.

I will still be posting here when circumstance permit, although it will now be a lot more infrequently; I don't travel much these days whereas I can read and write about science from the comfort of my own tube train. If I happen to take a pretty picture I'll be sure to share it. In the meantime, feel free to come on over to The Skeptilogicon and get your daily dose of science and scepticism.

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