Friday, 15 February 2013

365 Project: Photo 045

February 14th; Valentine's Day, theme:Love. As Valentine's Day is nothing more than a monumental crock of shit my wife and I have never celebrated it. Also, today, I only took one photo so here it is. As you can see, it's a wonderful, slightly blurred self portrait whilst giving blood; something I encourage you all to do.

365 Project: Photo 044

Swing. An interesting theme. I took it literally and tried to get a shot of the necklace I wear swinging in mid air; with moderate success. I bought the necklace from a street vendor in the Incan town of Ollantaytambo in Peru 7 years ago and I've been wearing it ever since. It never fails to remind me of my favourite part of my favourite country that I've visited.

365 Project: Photo 043

You wouldn't have thought that when the theme was Celebrate and it's Pancake Day, my wife's birthday and our 10th anniversary all on the same day that I would struggle to get a photograph. You'd be wrong; quite, quite wrong. For reasons I'm not going into I completely failed to get a picture of any of these things. In it's place is a picture of one of Sue's gifts, sat on our ironing board, slightly out of focus. Epic Fail.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

365 Project: Photo 042

Today's theme was Entertain/Dinner. I didn't do anything entertaining but I did have some dinner. Well, lunch. So here is the remnants of my lunch: a second rate curry in the hospital canteen with a plastic fork. Dee-lish.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

365 Project: Photo 041

The prompt today was garage; I don't have a garage, but I do have a tool box. Also, because the prompt had a sort of workman-like flavour to it I took that to mean I could massively over-process today's photo. So, I've unleashed photoshop and turned my tool kit into a futuristic, space age, super, mega, electrical kit. Reminds me a bit of Tron.

365 Project: Photo 040

There was a prompt a little while back where I was supposed to do a self portrait but I basically cheated my way out of it; today the prompt was Through The Looking Glass and I decided to rectify the situation by biting the bullet and just putting up a portrait of my mug, the first ever on the blog in it's 2 years. Apologies to all concerned.

365 Project: Photo 039

This is a shot down Gerrard Street in China Town and, as their New Year is upon us (year of the Snake, I believe) it's even more decorated than normal. That's handy because today's theme is More Than One.

365 Project: Photo 038

Use Your Senses was the prompt, and so I used my eye. What colour is it, though? I've never been able to figure it out. In the reflection you might be able to make out Sue and the tree in the window outside.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

365 Project: Photo 037

A nice simple one today: Backlit. This is a residential block near my house and, whilst it isn't a full on silhouette, it is backlit. There also happened to be some awesome clouds this morning, more of which you can see here

365 Project: Photo 036

I was supposed to go for the them Nap today, this could be interpreted in a number of ways but I've decided to cheat on the most obvious one. This pair hadn't moved in such a long time that I could only presume they were asleep.

365 Project: Photo 035

The theme for today was Beat/Rhythm and I had a fantastic idea. Simply photograph the vibrations in a resonating glass of water! What could be easier? Well, as it turns out, almost anything could have been easier. The project didn't really work but I at least learnt a lot for next time. I didn't have nearly enough light, which forced me to open up the aperture, which decreased my depth of field, which gave me less of the glass to work with. Also, when zoomed in this closely, all the splashes on the glass become much more obvious. I think a macro lens wouldn't go amiss either. Basically, it's rubbish. Anyway, not that I need to point it out because it's so darned obvious, but the vibrations are the lighter coloured bits up the left and right hand sides.

Sunday, 3 February 2013

365 Project: Photo 034

I'm on the ball today, I had my picture all sewn up before lunchtime. This is a set of lock ups just a minute from where I live. The prompt was A Pop Of Red; taken on my phone, edited on Snapseed.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

365 Project: Photo 033

On a less macabre note than yesterday's picture, some playing around with Shadows today.

365 Project: Photo 032

There's no nice way to dress this one up. It's a picture of a dead fox floating in a litter-filled lock. The theme was Heartfelt Sentiment; make of it what you will.

dead fox, london, water, east end